
From AtlasKeepers
Revision as of 03:43, 16 February 2020 by Beacon-Entity (talk | contribs)
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System (water) if yes
Star type: STAR COLOR
Lifeform: LIFEFORM
Conflict: CONFLICT
Galaxy: GALAXY
Region: {{{region}}}
Era: ERA (Alas Rises, NEXT)
Discovered by: TRAVELLER NAME

SUMMARIZE THE SYSTEM HERE! Does it have any remarkable features? Was it discovered in a particular way (e.g. on the way to an Atlas Station)? Was a Traveller born here?

Celestial Bodies


// ° has moon // « storms // «« extreme storms // Ψ water // Ω void // ¡ anomalous //

Place orbital pictures of each planet in the gallery below.


Place orbital pictures of each moon in the gallery below.


What is this station like? Is it crowded? Are starship dockings infrequent?

Notable Features

List anything unusual or interesting.


If there are Travellers present, add a screenshot to the gallery below with their name in the caption. One screenshot per Traveller!

Important Events

Did (or do) important things happen in or around this system or station? Was a freighter saved from a pirate ambush? Was a base member recruited here? Describe the events in a bulleted list.

  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.