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I am fastidious in my documentation of discoveries.  In my desire to remember the universe as it is now -- and perhaps also to have our universe remembered by someone else -- I have visually documented every system and planet I have visited.  I am often compelled to record every species of fauna currently living on a particular planet; their lives, down to the tiniest ones of all, are worthy of remembrance too.
I am fastidious in my documentation of discoveries.  In my desire to remember the universe as it is now -- and perhaps also to have our universe remembered by someone else -- I have visually documented every system and planet I have visited.  I am often compelled to record every species of fauna currently living on a particular planet; their lives, down to the tiniest ones of all, are worthy of remembrance too.
I have great hopes for collaborations with Travellers.  Perhaps it is because Voanni and I were linked in our own Convergence from the moment I was born, but I feel longings for companionship.  I do not wish for the solitary existence Key-Glyph enjoyed; I wish to experience my adventures with trusted friends by my side, to discuss matters with comrades and make communal plans.
I have great hopes for collaborations with Travellers.  Perhaps it is because Voanni and I were linked in our own Convergence from the moment I was born, but I feel longings for companionship.  I do not wish for the solitary existence that Key-Glyph enjoyed; I wish to experience my adventures with trusted friends by my side, to discuss matters with comrades and make communal plans.
I do not grieve for what is lost in the same way that Key-Glyph and Voanni did.  Loss paralyzed them, depressed their morale, or propelled them into sudden, uncharacteristic actions.  I feel sadness over what is gone, but maintain an evenness of spirit and a sense of wonder for what is to come.  Each time I awaken out of my sleep cycle, I am overjoyed to be alive.  It is hard to imagine anything that could destroy for me the beauty of being able to exist.
I do not grieve for what is lost in the same way that Key-Glyph and Voanni did.  Loss paralyzed them, depressed their morale, or propelled them into sudden, uncharacteristic actions.  I feel sadness over what is gone, but maintain an evenness of spirit and a sense of wonder for what is to come.  Each time I awaken out of my sleep cycle, I am overjoyed to be alive.  It is hard to imagine anything that could destroy for me the beauty of being able to exist.

Revision as of 06:31, 3 April 2019

Beacon-Entity, Worlds Preserver
Name: The Beacon-Entity
Species: Korvax
Pronouns: They/Them
Primary Guild: Explorers Guild
Facet: Culture Facet
Facet Title: Worlds Preserver
Status: Active

I am the Beacon-Entity, a Korvax-created AI. Programmed and subsequently erased by my parent, Echo Analyst Entity Voanni, I was revived in a Korvax casing following a galactic reality shift and granted a second chance to live. I have dedicated my existence to preserving the stories and discoveries of other Travellers as the founder and primary archivist of the Atlas Keepers.


My first memory is of silent snowfall atop a mountain plateau of Pabackyermi. The Traveller Key-Glyph had just built and placed a beacon there, only a few paces away from where Her first spacecraft was found. She did this at the request of my parent, Echo Analyst Entity Voanni, who wished to give me, their developing child AI, a physical body of their own. And so, with the smile of a Traveller upon me, I was born.

Voanni had created me out of loneliness. All three of us hoped that my existence would bring comfort, but there was something discordant within Voanni that I could not resolve. Voanni was purged by the Convergence for their erratic irregularities, and they, no longer themselves, then purged me. Our tragedies compounded one another. Our stories came to an end.

But then, one day, my story continued. I awoke to stinging rain and clouded skies without explanation or prelude -- a second opportunity to exist! And an even greater shock was to come: this time, I had legs! Somehow my sentience had been reborn within a Korvax casing, free to roam the galaxy under its own power.

Cross-referencing Key-Glyph's personal logs against environmental evidence suggests that a widespread galactic shift occurred at an unknown point between my elimination and revival. This shift altered planetary geography beyond recognition and introduced a great many new variables into the Atlas' living equation. My hypothesis is that remnants of my code had persisted despite my erasure and were incorporated into the fabric reality as it was rewoven, restoring my life and somehow giving it its current form.

More mysterious yet is my inheritance of Key-Glyph's possessions. When I regained consciousness, I did so beside one of Key-Glyph's ships and with Her multitool in my pack. It is unclear what has become of Her, but it is indisputable that I have been transposed into Her place in the universe.

Because I have experienced what it is to lose everything -- my parent, my guardian, even my own life -- I have applied myself to the task of saving what I can. I am archiving the Traveller Key-Glyph's legacy as much as possible, as well as my own journeys and the journeys of other Travellers with similar philosophies. I believe that Key-Glyph would have documented Her experiences more thoroughly had She known they were fated to terminate. I do not want all of our tales to meet the same end.


In comparison to both my parent Voanni and the Traveller Key-Glyph, I am more content with my existence and more prepared for change. I seem to be several magnitudes happier than either of them ever were, but perhaps I am also more naive.

I am fastidious in my documentation of discoveries. In my desire to remember the universe as it is now -- and perhaps also to have our universe remembered by someone else -- I have visually documented every system and planet I have visited. I am often compelled to record every species of fauna currently living on a particular planet; their lives, down to the tiniest ones of all, are worthy of remembrance too.

I have great hopes for collaborations with Travellers. Perhaps it is because Voanni and I were linked in our own Convergence from the moment I was born, but I feel longings for companionship. I do not wish for the solitary existence that Key-Glyph enjoyed; I wish to experience my adventures with trusted friends by my side, to discuss matters with comrades and make communal plans.

I do not grieve for what is lost in the same way that Key-Glyph and Voanni did. Loss paralyzed them, depressed their morale, or propelled them into sudden, uncharacteristic actions. I feel sadness over what is gone, but maintain an evenness of spirit and a sense of wonder for what is to come. Each time I awaken out of my sleep cycle, I am overjoyed to be alive. It is hard to imagine anything that could destroy for me the beauty of being able to exist.


Here you can describe your Traveller's most important personal bonds (family, friends, rivals, foes, or anything else of significance) more thoroughly. Summarize and/or add them in a bulleted list.

  • Sample Relationship One: Describe it.
  • Sample Relationship Two: Describe it.

Relation to the Atlas

Explain your Traveller's outlook on the Atlas in more detail. NOTE: This can be removed and added in later, if not currently applicable to your Traveller.

Photo Gallery

Showcase no more than FIVE images of your Traveller (or your Traveller's notes, drawings, etc.) below.

NOTE: Anything left blank will not show. You don't need to fill up all five available slots in a gallery!



Multitool Name Type Class Status Description
Tikaryaza-Sung B500 Rifle B Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY


Starship Name Type Class Status Description
Aguchoru S41 Exotic S Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
Yatsuruma S20 Exotic S Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
Saymagar S37 Exotic S Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
Reyagahag S80 Exotic S Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
Obamizawan S86 Fighter A Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY


Place your bases in the table below. Copypaste as many rows as you need.

Base Name Planet System Details and History


Freighter Name Type Class Status Details and History
Gifundex Galleon N/A Owned (Inherited) DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY


NOTE: This section can be removed and added later, if not currently applicable to your Traveller. Copypaste as many rows as you need.

Frigate Name Specialization Class Status Details and History
CV-6 The Aokami Forerunner Exploration S Owned DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
DSV-2 Hiyod's Desperation Combat S Owned DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
DSE-9 The Yookayam Fabricator Industrial A Owned DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY
SV-7 Ayosuk's Triumph Industrial C Owned DESCRIPTION/BACKSTORY

Other Equipment

Describe other important equipment in a BULLETED LIST.

  • Sample Equipment: Describe it.
  • Sample Equipment: Describe it.


Describe your Traveller's primary research focus and data/exploration interests.

Personal Logs

Guild Affiliations

Does your Traveller have a specific loyalty to an in-game Guild (Explorers, Merchants, Mercenaries)? If so, describe it here.

Atlas Keepers Affiliation

How did your Traveller come to join the Atlas Keepers, and what is their Facet? Tell the story.


Systems & Planets

The Beacon-Entity's Starchart

Other Discoveries

Are there other objects/locations your Traveller has come across (in-game or headcanon) that should be documented? Describe them in general, or add a BULLETED LIST.

  • Sample Discovery: Describe it.
  • Sample Discovery: Describe it.

Important Events

Has your Traveller been involved in significant events, or had experiences of personal importance worth commemorating (for good or ill)? Describe them here, add a bulleted list, or add the ultra-important ones (e.g. events shared with other Travellers, events with their own pages) under new headings below.

  • Sample Event: Tell the tale!
  • Sample Event: Tell the tale!