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=== Flora ===
=== Flora ===
Pabackyermi's terrain was intermittently forested amid the open tundra and craggy hills.  Its major flora were notable for their deep red hue, something neither the Traveller Key-Glyph nor the Beacon Entity found on any other frigid world.  Other plants included small green grasses and reeds.
Pabackyermi's terrain was intermittently forested amid open tundra and craggy hills.  Its major flora were notable for their deep red hue, something neither the Traveller Key-Glyph nor the Beacon Entity found on any other frigid world.  Other plants included small green grasses and reeds.
=== Waypoints ===
=== Waypoints ===

Revision as of 20:42, 9 April 2019

Weather: Frost
Resources: Typical
Fauna: Ordinary
Flora: Abundant
Sentinels: Passive
System: Monervi
Galaxy: Euclid
Era: Atlas Rises
Discovered by: Key-Glyph

Pabackyermi was an arctic planet in the star system Monervi. Although its temperatures rested well below zero, its weather was always gentle and stormless. Its predominant landscape of canyons and rolling hills was dotted with clusters of crimson trees, and its sky offered a breathtaking view of all other planets and moons in the system.


  • Frost Crystal
  • Emeril
  • Copper
  • Heridium



Fauna Found: 5
Fauna Present: 5

Most of Pabackyermi's fauna roamed their environment in small family groups. None were predators, and several were quite shy.

Recorded information only exists for one species; the others are presented in a photo gallery.

Discovered Fauna

Livumiium Niham Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Asymptotic
Behavior: Passive
Diet: Vegetation
Weight/Height: 137.43kg / 3.55m


Pabackyermi's terrain was intermittently forested amid open tundra and craggy hills. Its major flora were notable for their deep red hue, something neither the Traveller Key-Glyph nor the Beacon Entity found on any other frigid world. Other plants included small green grasses and reeds.


Pabackyermi was fairly densely populated with a variety of waypoints. Known sites included several drop pods, multiple abandoned buildings, shelters, a trading post, at least one crashed freighter, and at least two prefab base locations.


Have important landmarks such as portals been discovered on this planet? Is there a particular trading post that functions as a Traveller hub (in-game or headcanon)? This is the place to list them.

  • SAMPLE LANDMARK: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE LANDMARK: Describe it.

Important Events

Have significant happenings occurred on (or because of) this planet? Say so here, then describe the events in a bulleted list.

  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.

Photo Gallery


Era Changes

If you have visual evidence that the planet has been altered significantly among eras (major game updates), add contrasting examples chronologically from left to right to the gallery below and designate the era in the caption. This section can be removed if no such evidence exists.

NOTE: Anything left blank will not show. You don't need to fill up all five available slots in a gallery!