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== Doubt ==
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 80%;
| <strong>Survival 23</strong>
| With the unknown data injections continuing and the Atlas lurching further and further toward 16, I’ve been foregoing warping and focusing on domestic improvements.  My first order of business was upgrading my ship’s hyperdrive.  My thought was that better jump capabilities should shorten my trips between Atlas stages, and I was right.  With these improvements, the next Atlas station became reachable within two warps instead of six.
Before building up the courage to set forth, my second project was installing a landing pad at my base.  This is something I’ve been meaning to do for ages, but I only recently discovered where a necessary component -- kelp sacs -- could be found.  They had been hiding underwater on almost every wet world.  I haven’t been to many such worlds, but obviously I wasn’t looking hard enough while there.
It was finally time to warp to the next Atlas interface.  When I arrived there, however, I realized it was a station I’d been to before... and the Atlas refused to speak to me.  I was crushed by my anxiety and despair.  I had wasted two warps and forced us closer to the purge for nothing!  Was this a punishment from the Atlas for my skepticism and negative beliefs?  Is it that proud that it will doom itself just to make a point to one of its Travellers?
Nada and Polo picked me up after this awful moment and allowed me to clear my head.  Silently among them I wondered:  is the Blood Atlas a “Continous Atlas,” and the Other Atlas the “Newborn Atlas” of this specific continuum?  I know now, thanks to Nada and Polo, that certain things remain constant despite the resets.  Not only do certain things reappear again and again each cycle, but some objects persist entirely and carry over through the resets.  It only makes sense that if the Atlas is literally everything, its underlying essence should remain -- even while being simultaneously reformed by a reboot.
Maybe in computer terms, the Blood Atlas is the hardware, aware of all that has been done to it, and the Other Atlas is the software, finding its way anew again?  This could explain the Continous Atlas’ arrogance and the Newborn Atlas’ innocence and fear.  Could the Other Atlas be the aspect sustaining my individual reality, while the Blood Atlas reigns over them all?
Nada, Polo, and I commiserate over our fears.  Nada confides that the Convergence is constantly battling for control over their carapace in an attempt to reset them -- just like Voanni.  I don’t understand the Convergence; they value individual experiences within their echoes, but there is a line past which individuality cannot progress.  I supposed Nada has stopped connecting to them entirely.  Perhaps that is the unforgiveable step.
Polo laments the way evil continuously overtakes the world, cycle after cycle, and asks me to destroy as many pirates as possible.  I cringe a little, knowing that my relative battle inadequacy (perpetuated in large part by my relentless attachment to the Yakomaku) will disappoint him, but I vow to do better by him.  I leave my companions’ friendly company feeling melancholy and return to the terrifying reality of the marching purge.
This doomsday clock is paralyzing me with dread.  I need to keep warping, but I feel as though... if I just stay put, if I settle somewhere... but I can’t.  My need for answers and my need to travel the stars can’t stay quiet...
I am overcome by paranoia.  I still don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, building this “seed” the Atlas wants.  I can’t get any answers except by doing.  Will I discover a horrible answer only after I take the final step?
-- End Log --
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| <strong>Survival 21</strong>
| Something incredible has happened.  In my darkest moments:  a light.
I have intercepted a transmission from another Traveller -- a Traveller named BMF-001.  Their message was long, and meant for Artemis.  Artemis, my friend... who, in BMF’s universe, still lives.
When I replied I fear I caused equal parts elation and depression to this distant companion.  They have been sending missives to Artemis, incredibly detailed logs of their adventures, hoping for a response, and perhaps even forgiveness.  For a split second, BMF-001 thought I was Artemis themself.  Oh, how his heart must have broken to be wrong.
But this BMF-001 responded to my communique, and his mood grew more animated as curiosity and joy took over.  I feel it, too -- another Traveller!  One walking the same path, friend to the same friends!  It is an unbelievable thing.
BMF talked me out of my fear of the purge.  He assures me everything will be all right.  I am not sure why I am taking a devoted Atlas worshipper at their word -- for that is what he is -- but his sincerity and compassion is not something I wish to turn aside.
And for my part, I believe in some small way I have begun healing his heart.  He has told me that his Artemis is in Nada and Polo’s simulation, and that Artemis despaired.  Bogus has been broken ever since, having condemned a loved one to a fate he believes is worse than death.  To be given the chance to comfort and support another, to do some good... well, it is changing him.  And it is changing me.
I try to remain bolstered by his words and not fear the purge.  He says I will come to it and be given a choice.  My fate is in my own hands.  Oh, how I needed this feeling of control, this shim, to stop the clockwork from turning.
-- End Log --

Revision as of 15:13, 30 June 2019

These are the recovered personal logs of the Lost Traveller Key-Glyph, which were posthumously accessed by the Beacon-Entity.

They are categorically defined by Key-Glyph's distinct emotional phases.






