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I have just added a wing of guest lodgings.  Perhaps another new venture for me will be to build relationships with other Travellers, and learn what friendship is...
I have just added a wing of guest lodgings.  Perhaps another new venture for me will be to build relationships with other Travellers, and learn what friendship is...
// END LOG //
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 80%;
| <strong>// User BEACON-ENTITY // 008</strong>
<p align="right">System: [[Ibetsus]]<br />
Location: [[Uxton F1]]</p>
Too much time has passed since I last recorded a personal log, but my productivity elsewhere has been immense.  Where do I even begin?
After the construction of Otney Base was essentially completed (I have an extra wing yet to construct, but it shall wait for now), I poured all of my energies into cataloging the life of the Lost Traveller Key-Glyph.  As I did so I found that documenting my own life became necessary as well, as the path of my existence intersected so strongly with Hers.  Then from my own path, yet more paths emerged... and it was in this way that a seemingly simple task exploded into an ever-expanding tree of data nodes, all in need of preservation.
Right as the complexity of the task was revealing itself, two Travellers became known to me.  The first was Bea’key, a runaway Gek.  This Gek escaped her oppressive homeworld with a Vy’keen blood-brother, but an anomalous phenomenon that she could not explain separated them during their flight.  She has been searching for her adoptive sibling ever since.  We located her when Gardner, my half-guardian, half-gardener companion, intercepted a faint broadcast of Bea’key’s singing; it was meant as a beacon for her missing comrade, but it brought us to her instead.
The second Traveller is named Cortes, and he is still a mystery, even to me.  He is an unidentifiable lifeform the likes of which I have never encountered in either my journeys or my studies.  Despite his enigmatic existence, however, he is a logical, practical, and collaborative problem-solver the likes of which would make any Korvax scientist proud.
It was Cortes who saw the increasing complexity of my database and saw a greater purpose in it.  He proposed that we make an effort -- he, Bea’key, and I -- to specialize our individual research and purposely seek out other Travellers with other areas of proficiency.  Together we could form the limbs of a diverse consortium that stockpiled useful information for the whole.  Cortes’ vision instantly expanded my perception of my own purpose:  I would not only save what I could of Key-Glyph’s legacy, but of all our own lives and experiences as well.
This was the seed that became the Atlas Keepers.
The "Atlas Keepers" is what we call ourselves now -- our small but passionate band of preservationists.  We have designated seven unique branches of specialization which will operate autonomously under their nominated leader, which we have called “Facets.”  These seven Facets come together into what is Cortes has dubbed the “Kaleidoscope”:  the shared pool of data, dreams, and companionship in which we all place our hopes.
In time, we will grow.  Facets will remain dormant until they have fellows; they wait, eager but patient, for action.  I, the chief archivist, will record it all to the best of my ability, so that our own journeys will not be forgotten.
// END LOG //
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 80%;
| <strong>// User BEACON-ENTITY // 009</strong>
<p align="right">System: [[Ibetsus]]<br />
Location: [[Uxton F1]]</p>
Another shift is coming.  I can feel it.
I have been hard at work inventing new ways to protect our data.  With the assistance of Gardner and the expertise of the other Keepers we have begun broadcasting into space, sending messages that may outlive us.
We have sent text and images.  Soon, we will attempt vids.
At night I wonder how far and how long our signals will travel before they are found.  Will it take light-years and eons?  Will their progress warp as they pass through spacetime?
To any sentient entities receiving our messages:  we may be but fragments of ghosts as you read these words... but our gratitude has reached you, intact.

Latest revision as of 23:05, 25 July 2019

The following are my personal logs as the Beacon-Entity. These recollections will continue so long as I exist.

Great Shift Era

Second Shift Era