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|galaxy = Euclid
|galaxy = Euclid
|era = NEXT
|era = NEXT
|discovered_by = [[Beacon-Entity]]
|discovered_by = The [[Beacon-Entity]]
<!-- SUMMARIZE THE PLANET HERE!  Now is the time to describe its terrain and climate, the circumstances of its founding, any Travellers' particular connection to it, and so on. -->
'''Uxton F1''' is a desert planet in the [[Ibetsus]] system notable for its yellow skies and generous lakes.  It is buffeted by occasional fire storms, and the temperature drops precipitously at night.  The heat and frost hazards can both be avoided by wading into the planet's bodies of water, which remain at a constant temperature easily managed by an exosuit.
== Resources ==
== Resources ==
Line 30: Line 30:
<!-- Is this a blob planet?  Is it rich in marine life? Describe the planet's fauna in general here, and either OPTIONALLY enter specific species into the detailed tables below or place pictures of unknown fauna in a gallery.
Uxton F1 is primarily populated by blog creatures. There are no known predators.
'''NOTE:''' Each detailed fauna entry is '''an entire template!''' Copypaste the entire Table fauna for each entry you wish to make!
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Line 39: Line 37:
{{Table fauna
{{Table fauna
|image = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna01-MCobneficis.jpg
|name = FAUNA NAME
|name = M. Cobneficis
|gender = GENDER
|gender = Vectorized
|behavior = BEHAVIOR
|behavior = Anxious
|diet = DIET
|diet = Echinocactus
|weight = WEIGHT
|weight = 53.6kg
|height = HEIGHT
|height = 0.8m
|notes = NOTES
|notes = Smells with tongue
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna02-FScrofjugus.jpg
|name = F. Scrofjugus
|gender = Asymptotic
|behavior = Watchful
|diet = Petals
|weight = 68.2kg
|height = 0.7m
|notes = Elaborate mating displays
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna03-UWooderyneum.jpg
|name = U. Wooderyneum
|gender = Radical
|behavior = Long-distance migration
|diet = Mordite roots
|weight = 89.6kg
|height = 1.6m
|notes = Stomach inside skull
{{Table fauna
{{Table fauna
|image = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna04-RCorpsagmae.jpg
|name = FAUNA NAME
|name = R. Corpsagmae
|gender = GENDER
|gender = Asymmetric
|behavior = BEHAVIOR
|behavior = Highly observant
|diet = DIET
|diet = Nibbles at shoots
|weight = WEIGHT
|weight = 73.9kg
|height = HEIGHT
|height = 1.5m
|notes = NOTES
|notes = Hybrid species
{{Table fauna
{{Table fauna
|image = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna05-TSlashateum.jpg
|name = FAUNA NAME
|name = T. Slashateum
|gender = GENDER
|gender = Asymmetric
|behavior = BEHAVIOR
|behavior = Nomadic
|diet = DIET
|diet = Algae
|weight = WEIGHT
|weight = 220.8kg
|height = HEIGHT
|height = 4.7m
|notes = NOTES
|notes = Builds metal nest
{{Table fauna
|image01 = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna06-NPinexiumeum.jpg
|caption01 = First example caption.
|name = N. Pinexiumeum
|image02 = Example.jpg
|gender = Indeterminate
|caption02 = Second example caption.
|behavior = Deep-diving
|image03 =  
|diet = High in calcium
|caption03 =  
|weight = 73.3kg
|image04 =  
|height = 0.7m
|caption04 =  
|notes = Cannot digest starch
|image05 =  
|caption05 =  
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna07-GAmbyvonia.jpg
|name = G. Ambyvonia
|gender = Asymmetric
|behavior = Collects shiny objects
|diet = Echinocactus
|weight = 53.3kg
|height = 1.1m
|notes = Particularly oily
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna08-PGraspamnima.jpg
|name = P. Graspamnima
|gender = Radical
|behavior = Timid
|diet = Cave marrow
|weight = 77.3kg
|height = 1.3m
|notes = Bonds with Vy'keen
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna09-RTachyingnae.jpg
|name = R. Tachyingnae
|gender = Symmetric
|behavior = Only sees up
|diet = High in calcium
|weight = 57.3kg
|height = 1.1m
|notes = Well insulated
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna10-JPtyerroolfium.jpg
|name = J. Ptyerroolfium
|gender = Unknown
|behavior = Lonely
|diet = Rotten wood
|weight = 53.3kg
|height = 0.7m
|notes = Retractable appendage
{{Table fauna
|image = UxtonF1-Fauna11-BHaliiurum.jpg
|name = B. Haliiurum
|gender = Male
|behavior = Prudent
|diet = Coral
|weight = 62.0kg
|height = 0.7m
|notes = Goes underground to die
=== Flora ===
=== Flora ===
<!-- Describe the planet's flora in general here, and either OPTIONALLY enter specific species into the tables below or delete the tables entirely.
The flora on Uxton F1 are primary cacti, brush, and leafless trees, with scatterings of small flowers.  The petals on most species are yellow, and the trees display yellow elements on their trunks.
'''NOTE:''' Each entry is '''an entire template!''' Copypaste the entire Table flora for each!
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Line 98: Line 169:
{{Table flora
{{Table flora
|image = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Flora01-YFluswae.jpg
|name = FLORA NAME
|name = Y. Fluswae
|age = AGE
|age = Still Growing
|root = Fungal
|nutrient = Moonlight
|notes = NOTES
|notes = Blight Resistant
|element = Marrow Bulb
{{Table flora
{{Table flora
|image = Example.jpg
|image = UxtonF1-Flora02-SMistgigrea.jpg
|name = FLORA NAME
|name = S. Mistgigrea
|age = AGE
|age = Sproutling
|root = Global
|nutrient = Decomposition
|notes = NOTES
|notes = Pungent
|element = Marrow Bulb
{{Table flora
|image = Example.jpg
|name = FLORA NAME
|age = AGE
|notes = NOTES
=== Waypoints ===
=== Waypoints ===

Revision as of 23:23, 22 May 2019

Uxton F1
Weather: Blasted Atmosphere
Resources: Moderate
Fauna: Copious
Flora: Abundant
Sentinels: Low Security
System: Ibetsus
Galaxy: Euclid
Discovered by: The Beacon-Entity

Uxton F1 is a desert planet in the Ibetsus system notable for its yellow skies and generous lakes. It is buffeted by occasional fire storms, and the temperature drops precipitously at night. The heat and frost hazards can both be avoided by wading into the planet's bodies of water, which remain at a constant temperature easily managed by an exosuit.


  • Cactus Flesh
  • Cobalt
  • Pyrite
  • Copper



Fauna Found: 11
Fauna Present: 11

Uxton F1 is primarily populated by blog creatures. There are no known predators.

Discovered Fauna

M. Cobneficis Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Vectorized
Behavior: Anxious
Diet: Echinocactus
Weight/Height: 53.6kg / 0.8m
Notes: Smells with tongue
F. Scrofjugus Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Asymptotic
Behavior: Watchful
Diet: Petals
Weight/Height: 68.2kg / 0.7m
Notes: Elaborate mating displays
U. Wooderyneum Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Radical
Behavior: Long-distance migration
Diet: Mordite roots
Weight/Height: 89.6kg / 1.6m
Notes: Stomach inside skull
R. Corpsagmae Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Asymmetric
Behavior: Highly observant
Diet: Nibbles at shoots
Weight/Height: 73.9kg / 1.5m
Notes: Hybrid species
T. Slashateum Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Asymmetric
Behavior: Nomadic
Diet: Algae
Weight/Height: 220.8kg / 4.7m
Notes: Builds metal nest
N. Pinexiumeum Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Indeterminate
Behavior: Deep-diving
Diet: High in calcium
Weight/Height: 73.3kg / 0.7m
Notes: Cannot digest starch
G. Ambyvonia Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Asymmetric
Behavior: Collects shiny objects
Diet: Echinocactus
Weight/Height: 53.3kg / 1.1m
Notes: Particularly oily
P. Graspamnima Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Radical
Behavior: Timid
Diet: Cave marrow
Weight/Height: 77.3kg / 1.3m
Notes: Bonds with Vy'keen
R. Tachyingnae Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Symmetric
Behavior: Only sees up
Diet: High in calcium
Weight/Height: 57.3kg / 1.1m
Notes: Well insulated
J. Ptyerroolfium Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Unknown
Behavior: Lonely
Diet: Rotten wood
Weight/Height: 53.3kg / 0.7m
Notes: Retractable appendage
B. Haliiurum Attributes
Rarity: {{{rarity}}}
Gender: Male
Behavior: Prudent
Diet: Coral
Weight/Height: 62.0kg / 0.7m
Notes: Goes underground to die


The flora on Uxton F1 are primary cacti, brush, and leafless trees, with scatterings of small flowers. The petals on most species are yellow, and the trees display yellow elements on their trunks.

Discovered Flora

Y. Fluswae Attributes
Age: Still Growing
Root Structure: Fungal
Nutrient Source: Moonlight
Notes: Blight Resistant
Primary Element: Marrow Bulb
S. Mistgigrea Attributes
Age: Sproutling
Root Structure: Global
Nutrient Source: Decomposition
Notes: Pungent
Primary Element: Marrow Bulb



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