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*'''Culture Facet:''' See: ''Facet, Culture''
*'''Culture Facet:''' See: ''Facet, Culture''
*'''Facet:'''  General category of expertise within the [[Atlas Keepers]] with which individual Keepers can affiliate.  The six facets are the ''Atlas, Culture, Fauna, Flora, Gadget, Geo,'' and ''Providers'' Facets.
*'''Facet:'''  General category of expertise within the [[Atlas Keepers]] with which individual Keepers can affiliate.  The seven Facets are ''Atlas, Culture, Fauna, Flora, Gadget, Geo,'' and ''Providers''.
*'''Facet, Atlas:'''  Faction of the [[Atlas Keepers]] dedicated to understanding the Travellers' role in the universe, the fabric of reality, and the Atlas itself.
*'''Facet, Atlas:'''  Faction of the [[Atlas Keepers]] dedicated to understanding the Travellers' role in the universe, the fabric of reality, and the Atlas itself.

Revision as of 21:12, 23 September 2020

  • Atlas Facet: See: Facet, Atlas
  • Atlas Keepers: A consortium of collaborative Travellers archiving their stories through the stars. Comprised of seven Facets.
  • Basdus: A Vy'keen word that means "to return," but can also be translated as "to do again," "to do over," or "to reinvent."
  • Calm Before: The era preceding the Great Shift.
  • Cha’kers: A simple Vy'keen game of strategy played with rocks on a tiled board.
  • Culture Facet: See: Facet, Culture
  • Facet: General category of expertise within the Atlas Keepers with which individual Keepers can affiliate. The seven Facets are Atlas, Culture, Fauna, Flora, Gadget, Geo, and Providers.
  • Facet, Atlas: Faction of the Atlas Keepers dedicated to understanding the Travellers' role in the universe, the fabric of reality, and the Atlas itself.
  • Facet, Culture: Faction of the Atlas Keepers devoted to generating, preserving, and encouraging creative works.
  • Facet, Fauna: Faction of the Atlas Keepers concerned with discovering, studying, and documenting animal species.
  • Facet, Flora: Faction of the Atlas Keepers investigating planetary flora aesthetically, nutritionally, and medicinally.
  • Facet, Gadget: Faction of the Atlas Keepers tasked with manipulating metal, circuits, software, and simple machines.
  • Facet, Geo: Faction of the Atlas Keepers committed to exploring all terrains the universe offers.
  • Facet, Providers: See: Providers, The
  • Fauna Facet: See: Facet, Fauna
  • Flare Signal: Energy discharge given off by Travellers during their creation or rebirth. Can be pinpointed with specialized technology.
  • Flora Facet: See: Facet, Flora
  • Gadget Facet: See: Facet, Gadget
  • Geo Facet: See: Facet, Geo
  • Kept, the: Travellers monitored by or in contact with the Beacon-Entity who do not possess official Atlas Keeper status.
  • Living Ship: A biological starship, hatched from a Void Egg.
  • Lost Traveller: A colloquial name for the Traveller Key-Glyph.
  • Phase Phenomenon, The: Bea'key's name for the cosmic event that split her ship into two copies of itself and sent her and Bo'gus to separate sectors of the galaxy.
  • Providers, The: Faction of the Atlas Keepers that puts the other Facets' data into practical use.
  • Shift: A significant change that modifies, creates, or destroys aspects of the Atlas' equation.
  • Shift, First: See: Shift, Great
  • Shift, Great: A recalculation within the Atlas that altered the universe almost beyond recognition. This event is believed to have given the Beacon-Entity and other anomalous creatures new life.
  • Shift, Second: A moderate recalculation in the Atlas' equation that shifted planetary palettes, sparked an influx of sea creatures, and gave rise to the anomalous creatures.
  • Shift, Third: A large recalculation in the Atlas' equation that birthed new planets and stars, altered existing landscapes, and generated even more biological and technological creatures.