The Kept
The Kept is the collective name given to those Travellers monitored by or in contact with the Beacon-Entity who do not possess official Atlas Keeper status. Keeper membership can be withheld for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to) voluntary abstention, ethical disqualifications, and/or general ignorance of the Keepers' existence.
The Kept may or may not be given pseudo-titles to distinguish their personalities, aspirations, or research purposes.
The first Kept was Traveller Taro, an individual discovered by Bea'key and brought to the attention of the Beacon-Entity. Originally intending to extend them an invitation to the Keepers, the Beacon-Entity abandoned this plan after lengthy surveillance proved Taro a potential threat.
It is the Beacon-Entity's sincere hope that future Kept will enjoy a mutually benevolent relationship with the Keepers.
Taro, Focused Cut
STATUS: Under Surveillance // First Contact SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY
REASON: Taro's paranoia and distrust of technological beings poses a safety risk to the Keepers. Should they discover they have been monitored by the Beacon-Entity since birth, they could be provoked into unstable and unpredictable actions.