The Kept
The Kept is the collective name given to those Travellers monitored by or in contact with the Beacon-Entity who do not possess official Atlas Keeper status. Keeper membership can be withheld for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to) voluntary abstention, ethical disqualifications, and/or general ignorance of the Keepers' existence.
The Kept may or may not be given pseudo titles to distinguish their personalities, aspirations, or research purposes.
The first Kept was Traveller Taro, an individual discovered by Bea'key and brought to the attention of the Beacon-Entity. Having originally intended to extend them an invitation to the Keepers, the Beacon-Entity abandoned this plan after lengthy and undisclosed surveillance proved Taro to be a potential safety risk.
It is the Beacon-Entity's sincere hope that future Kept will enjoy a mutually benevolent relationship with the Keepers.
Taro, Focused Cut
STATUS: Under Surveillance; First Contact SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY
REASON: Taro's paranoia and distrust of technological beings pose a safety risk to the Keepers. Should they discover they have been monitored by the Beacon-Entity since birth, they could be provoked into unstable and unpredictable actions.