Otney Base

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Revision as of 00:25, 20 April 2019 by Beacon-Entity (talk | contribs)
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Otney Base
Name: Otney Base
Planet: Uxton F1
System: Ibetsus
Galaxy: Euclid
Founded by: The Beacon-Entity

Otney Base is a large dwelling on the planet Uxton F1. Built inside one of Uxton's mountains, it includes a docking area and eatery, a grand communal living space, an indoor greenhouse, guest quarters, an office loft, a modest owner's suite, efficient basement storage, and an interior emergency shelter. All areas excepting the basement have windowed exposures to Uxton's bright skies, and several include fully open archways for catching the planet's dry desert breezes.


I, the Beacon-Entity, began building Otney Base after the Second Shift drastically altered the appearances of the galaxy's planets. Initially saddened by the loss of the meditative colors of my first adopted home, Wucastbo VIII, I became interested in returning to each individual planet I had previously visited so that I could thoroughly research the nature of the changes. It was to be a science experiment whose pursuit would pull me out of my gloom... a way to turn a disappointment into an adventure.

Along the way, the new aesthetic of Uxton F1 -- its yellow atmosphere and its contrasting blue waters -- captured my attention. I chose an initial base site on top of a hill overlooking a body of water, but while surveying the area, I noticed a few perfectly conical mountains in the distance. When I walked to them, I knew: I would build my base inside this mountain. It would be a challenge!

My sadness evaporated, and Otney Base grew.


The following Travellers founded Otney Base:

  • The Beacon-Entity


The following Travellers were involved in Otney Base's construction:

  • The Beacon-Entity

And here, describe the process of construction in as much detail as you'd like. Was it built in one day? Painstakingly over time? Were there techniques and building discoveries made along the way? Were relationships forged? Alliances broken?

Important Events

Have significant happenings occurred at (or because of) this base? Say so here, then describe the events in a bulleted list.

  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.

Photo Gallery

Interior Tour

Give us a walkthrough of your base in pictures!

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Show off the exterior of your base.

NOTE: Galleries are currently in groups of 5 PICTURES. Copypaste multiple Galleries if needed.

NOTE: Anything left blank will not show. You don't need to fill up all five available slots in a gallery!