
From AtlasKeepers
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Weather: Unending Sunlight
Resources: Numerous
Fauna: Generous
Flora: Generous
Sentinels: Passive
System: Ibetsus
Galaxy: Euclid
Discovered by: The Beacon-Entity

Sida is a scorched ringed planet in the Ibetsus system with a striking red palette. Its temperatures put moderate strain on exosuit cooling systems.


  • Solanium
  • Copper
  • Phosphorus
  • Cobalt



Fauna Found: 6
Fauna Present: 8

Sida is primarily a blob planet, with several fauna exhibiting bold contrasting colors to the planet's general scheme.

Discovered Fauna

I. Octoseptia Attributes
Rarity: Rare
Gender: Unknown
Behavior: Constantly moving
Diet: Oxide elements
Weight/Height: 86.4kg / 0.8m
Notes: Fragrant
Z. Scarfeudus Attributes
Rarity: Uncommon
Gender: Unknown
Behavior: Fidgety
Diet: Collects seeds
Weight/Height: 92.4kg / 1.7m
Notes: NOTES
T. Boilmyia Attributes
Rarity: Rare
Gender: None
Behavior: Highly observant
Diet: Flowers
Weight/Height: 69.4kg / 0.7m
Notes: Nine additional senses
X. Gekkficurae Attributes
Rarity: Rare
Gender: Asymptotic
Behavior: Peaceful
Diet: Oxide elements
Weight/Height: 216.3kg / 4.7m
Notes: Venom-laden claws
O. Slyecnusium Attributes
Rarity: Uncommon
Gender: Orthogonal
Behavior: Nervous
Diet: Plant roots
Weight/Height: 70.9kg / 1.5m
Notes: Gets cold easily
T. Portvanepae Attributes
Rarity: Uncommon
Gender: Radical
Behavior: Migratory
Diet: Nibbles at shoots
Weight/Height: 79.9kg / 1.2m
Notes: Symmetrical insides


Sida's landscape is predominantly composed of clay hills and rock formations. Its flora is relatively sparse, but the plants that thrive are hearty and occasionally of surprising sizes.


// BEACON-NOTE: // Insufficient reflections on the Sida's waypoints. To be remedied.


Have important landmarks such as portals been discovered on this planet? Is there a particular trading post that functions as a Traveller hub (in-game or headcanon)? This is the place to list them.

  • SAMPLE LANDMARK: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE LANDMARK: Describe it.

Important Events

Have significant happenings occurred on (or because of) this planet? Say so here, then describe the events in a bulleted list.

  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.
  • SAMPLE EVENT: Describe it.

Photo Gallery


Showcase no more than FIVE images of the planet's natural landscape and/or indigenous structures below. This section is specifically to capture the ambience of a planet, not personal Traveller snapshots or scientific flora/fauna images. Think artsy or immersive!

NOTE: Anything left blank will not show. You don't need to fill up all five available slots in a gallery!

Era Changes

If you have visual evidence that the planet has been altered significantly among eras (major game updates), add contrasting examples chronologically from left to right to the gallery below and designate the era in the caption. This section can be removed if no such evidence exists.

NOTE: Anything left blank will not show. You don't need to fill up all five available slots in a gallery!