Explain anything we need to know about your Traveller's logs beforehand. What are the circumstances surrounding their documentation and/or discovery? Is the writing still in progress? Is there information missing?
NOTE: The logs themselves can be grouped in any way that makes sense to the Traveller. They might be prolific and nest five logs underneath one heading (e.g. "01 - 05"); they may divide their logs by personal milestones (e.g. "Post-Great Shift Era"); or they may not divide them at all, opting to pile them in a long, messy list. Let your Traveller's personality shine through their organizational schema!
Log 01 |
Here is a collapsible personal log. Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 02 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 03 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 04 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 05 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 06 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 07 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 08 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 09 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |
Log 10 |
Here is a collapsible personal log.
Use collapsed tables like these to save space and increase neatness! |