No Petz are currently available for adoption.
What are Wood Panel Rescue Adoption Cards?
Every Snowshoe Scottie adopted from WPR comes with their very own adoption card!
These contain your pup's genetic profile, birthdate, generation, and more.
They can even be printed out as trading cards!
Reading Your Adoption Card
Birthdate: The day your dog was born.
Coat, Colors:The swatches and number values of your pet's coat palette, sussed out by GenePoolz.
Eyes, Eyelids: The swatches and number values of your pet's eye/eyelids, also sussed out by GenePoolz.
Family Lines: The Snowshoe Scottie pedigree consists of six color families, each containing two separate branches.
The colored stars represent the family lines present in your pup's genealogy.
NOTE: The A1 and B1 branches of the red families contain common ancestors. Avoid combining them if you aim to retain NIB.
Generation: The number of generations in your pup's lineage.
Mother / Father: The names of your pup's parents.
Name:Your pup's own name.
Personality, Markings:The breed personality, markings, and body shapes in your dog's genotype, once again sussed out by GenePoolz.
Prefix, Showname:A space for the prefixes of your dog's breeder and owner, as well as their showname or nickname.
Show Trophies:If your pup is winning pageants, this area can be their display case!
Snowshoe Subtype:There are three subtypes of the Snowshoe Scottie breed, indicated by the style of snowflake in the bottom-left corner of their card.
White: Classic Snowshoe Cream: Barefoot Snowshoe Clear: Fauxshoe
WPR Website:Wood Panel Rescue's internet address.
est. 2022 by keyglyph